On being a Woman in the Age of Trump

On being a Woman in the Age of Trump

The day after the 2016 election I walked around my day like a zombie. Slowly, I started to notice that all of the women around me looked as haunted as I felt. How could we be living in a country that had just elected a misogynist asshole who bragged about assaulting women? How could we have elected the least qualified candidate to ever be nominated by a major political party over one of the most qualified candidates to ever be nominated? Was it just because he was a man, and she was a woman? And if so, what did that mean for us?

I don't know what I expected to happen that day, but the Trump presidency has been so much worse than I could have even imagined. So much worse for women and for the country. And yet, amidst all of the terrible terrible things that have happened or have been threatened, there has been this amazing uprising of women. It's something I saw during the Women's March but it's also been something I've felt, as women around me are finding their voices and speaking out about the issues that affect them.

This website is born out of the growing consciousness that no one is coming to save us, and it's up to the women to get us out of this mess.

We take seriously the words of Flavia Dzodan: "My feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit." We aim to be intersectional. We aim to be inclusive. We may not always be perfect. If we're not, CALL US OUT.

We want to hear from you. This is not so much a media outlet as it is a conversation. Because we're all in this together, and we can't get out without each other.

Shut up Bernie

Shut up Bernie

Episode 5: Education is Local

Episode 5: Education is Local