Me Too.

Me Too.

Me too.

It's not surprising but still enraging to see how many women have experienced sexual assault and harassment. We would like to publish your stories if you are comfortable sharing them.

To submit, you can either email with the subject Submission or upload to Dropbox. When you submit, please include a title for your piece, along with any tags we should use. Please also include the name you'd like to post under (anonymous posting, pen names, just first names, etc, are fine, as are full names). If you want to include your email address/webpage/twitter handle, please do. It's fine to submit stories you've published elsewhere, as long as you have the rights to do so.

Unfortunately we have no budget to pay for submissions, but we do very much want to bring attention to the scope of this issue.

If stories of sexual assault and harassment are triggering to you, please know that we will be assigning categories to these posts. You will be able to see what kind of post it is before you click on it, so you can avoid these stories. We feel that it's important to share these stories, but we are sympathetic to the pain it can cause some women to read them.

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Where the passage of time does not diminish the truth...

Where the passage of time does not diminish the truth...