

In the spirit of the season, a partial list of things for which I am grateful, in no particular order:

  1. My kids
  2. My husband
  3. My parents
  4. Robert Mueller
  5. Knitters
  6. The First Amendment
  7. Moms Demand Action
  8. The Washington Post and The New York Times
  9. Men who aren't sex abusers
  10. Women who speak up
  11. The Welcome Blanket Project
  12. Podcasts
  13. Postcards to Voters
  14. Indivisible
  15. Lexapro
  16. Pivot tables
  17. Google Drive
  18. Health insurance
  19. Hillary Clinton
  20. Science
  21. Tofurkey
  22. Wine
  23. Coffee
  24. The city of Chicago
Episode 13: How to Talk to People You Don't Agree With

Episode 13: How to Talk to People You Don't Agree With

Episode 12: A Chat with Chicago Votes

Episode 12: A Chat with Chicago Votes