Episode 258: Demi Stratmon & Jamal Holtz with 51 for 51 — Two Broads Talking Politics Podcast
Episode 258: Demi Stratmon & Jamal Holtz with 51 for 51

Episode 258: Demi Stratmon & Jamal Holtz with 51 for 51

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Kelly speaks with Demi Stratmon and Jamal Holtz, two young organizers with 51 for 51, a national grassroots effort that’s focused on getting presidential candidates to take a stance on D.C. statehood, with a simple majority rule. They discuss the arguments for D.C. statehood and how listeners can help the effort.


  • Demi Stratmon: 2nd generation D.C. native and student studying government at Dartmouth College. She has interned at the Obama White House and the World Bank.

  • Jamal Holtz: currently a POSSE scholar at the University of Rochester where he serves as the President of the Student Government Association. He was born and raised in Ward 8 of Washington, DC.

Our End Credits are read by Sonya Daniel.

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Musical credits:

"Are You Listening" from Elephant Shaped Trees by IMUNURI.
Released February 3, 2018.
Composed by André Pilette, with the help of Adam Garcia, Stephanie Leary, and Dan Wilson.
Lyrics written by Stephanie Leary.
Produced by André Pilette and Stephanie Leary.
Mixed by Brett Ryan Stewart of The Sound Shelter in Nashville, TN.
Mastered by Michael Fossenkemper of Turtle Tone Studio in NYC.
Song used with permission by the band.

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